As the budget looms for Moray Council the Conservative group have reflected on the pressures on home finances with increases in the cost of living placing a burden on many homes. Earlier this year the Council froze council charges in an effort to support local people, the Conservative group believe despite the poor settlement from the Scottish Government that a freeze on council tax must be considered.
Commenting is leader of the Conservative group Cllr Tim Eagle -
"The Scottish Government provided one of the worst settlements ever this year to Moray Council creating a wave of shock through councils in Scotland and devastation for the council budget. At the same time the SNP decided this year to uncap the potential to raise council tax giving councils for the first time in 15years the ability to raise council tax as needed.
Quickly the SNP changed their mind with the cabinet secretary releasing further funds to protect against council tax rises. That has provided Moray an additional £1.9m to Moray Council more than the likely increase in council tax would bring in.
Whilst this additional money far from covers the overall pressures on the council it allows councillors to recognise the bad timing an increase in council tax would bring and seek to freeze it in an effort to offer some relief to local people.
My group have heard directly from people across Morays communities about the pressures they face, businesses continue to recover, electric and gas costs are leaping up and food prices are soaring. Can we really justify adding to this burden by increasing council tax?
The council have already frozen council charges surely we must go one further and freeze council tax as well.
We will fight hard for other councillors to support this but I fear the SNP administration will again not match their words of concern they so readily put in the press.
If Council tax is frozen this will add pressure on the council and we must therefore use every means possible to call for fair funding and more support from the Scottish Government so next year we can continue to keep any rises in council tax as low as possible.
There is no doubt that this will stretch Moray Council, but given all that has happened surely now of all times is the time to be brave and bold.”