Local Conservative politicians debate issues at lively Question Time in Buckie
Three local Conservative politicians spent a lively evening debating issues at a Question Time event held in Buckie on Friday night. Moray MP Douglas Ross, Peter Chapman MSP for the North East Region and Buckie Councillor, Tim Eagle, fielded questions on a wide range of issues including fishing, council services, protecting the environment, the NHS and social care.
Douglas said: “It’s really important that elected representatives give local people opportunities to put their questions directly to us and I was delighted that so many people from Buckie came along and raised a variety of different issues. I am keen to be as accessible as possible as Moray’s MP and events like this ensure people can raise any issue they want with their local representatives.
“I was particularly keen to be able to discuss the future of the fishing industry which is of great importance to people in Buckie. I made it quite clear that unless the UK regains control over its fish stocks and vessel access to our waters at the end of the Brexit process I will not be able to support the Government.”
Councillor Tim Eagle said: “People care passionately about their services and it was really helpful to gain feedback from the meeting about where they felt the council should prioritise. It was quite clear that social care is very important and that is a message I will be taking back to the council.”
Peter Chapman, MSP for North East Scotland, added: “A constant theme of the meeting was the pressure on local services. Moray Council gets a very poor deal from the Scottish Government, and NHS Grampian which covers Moray, is the worst funded NHS region in Scotland. The North East generates a huge amount of tax income for the Scottish Government but gets little in return. We have been treated as a cash cow by Holyrood for too long and the message from the people we represent is that this must end.”