Highlands and Islands MSP Jamie Halcro Johnston is urging people and businesses from across the region to provide input into plans for Scotland’s energy future.
Mr Halcro Johnston, a member of the Scottish Parliament’s Economy, Energy and Fair Work Committee which has launched an inquiry into Scotland’s energy needs, said: “We are facing a crossroads when we need to make long-term decisions about how we meet the energy needs of the future.
“It is vital that the decisions we make are as well-informed as possible, and that we provide people with interest, experience and expertise in the subject an opportunity to input into the process.
“As a Highlands and Islands MSP, representing a region with an important and established energy sector, I am particularly keen that local people and businesses make their views known.
“A secure energy supply is vital for local communities and businesses. But there is an opportunity, not only to make a considerable contribution to producing the energy of the future, but also influencing the direction of our wider energy generation and usage policy going forward.
“I hope as many local people and businesses will engage with this inquiry, making sure the voice of the Highlands and Islands is heard loud and clear”.
Details of the inquiry, and how to provide feedback, are available at:https://parliament.scot/parliamentarybusiness/CurrentCommittees/113459.aspx
The call for written views closes on Friday 10 January 2020.