Ross convenes meeting with Stagecoach to increase pressure for improved bus service
Moray MP Douglas Ross has added further pressure on Stagecoach by convening a meeting last Friday between Stagecoach North managing director Mark Whitelocks and community representatives. Due to concerns about the bus service Douglas organised a public meeting late last year in Elgin to discuss the issue and has been in frequent contact with Stagecoach and Moray Council since.
He said: “I decided that we needed another face-to-face meeting to agree priorities and try to make some progress as I continue to be contacted by constituents who are unhappy with the bus service they receive.” Douglas was joined by the chair of the Moray Transport Forum, Anita Milne, Elgin councillors Frank Brown and Maria McLean, Forres councillor Claire Feaver, Heldon and Laich Councillor James Allan and Nicola Moss, transport manager for Moray Council.
Among the issues discussed was access to Dr Gray’s Hospital by bus users. Douglas said, “Several worried constituents have been in touch with me following the changes to the bus routes that means people getting a bus to Dr Gray’s now find themselves having to cross the A96 rather than being dropped off at the back of the hospital where the previous route stopped. This really is not acceptable and I am pleased that Mr Whitelocks has agreed to look at the issue and find a solution. The health and safety of travellers must be a priority.”
Douglas revealed that they had raised several other issues. “I met with residents of Larch Court in Elgin and am very concerned that they feel they are being cut off from the town centre. I really want to see some progress here. Another priority is Forbeshill in Forres which has lost its service altogether again making residents feel isolated from the town centre.
Douglas concluded: “There is no doubt that the financial problems of Moray Council are not helping at all as the Council, due to successive poor settlements from the Scottish Government, is unable to help out. We will therefore have to find other solutions. And that has to include encouraging people to use the buses as much as possible to provide the necessary financial underpinning to improve the service.”
Anita Milne, chair of Moray Transport Forum added: “The Moray Transport Forum is currently planning a Transport Seminar, open to anyone interested in the issues affecting our communities in respect of transport, in the Spring of 2018, and will be publicising details shortly".
PICTURE: Douglas Ross MP with Mark Whitelocks (Credit: Marc Macrae)