Ruth's Christmas message
Below is this year's Christmas message from Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson.
“So many groups of people work hard at Christmas so the rest of us can enjoy a break.
“This year, I’d like to focus on just a few.
“Firstly, the armed forces personnel who are away from home on duty. Their job is to keep us – and others – safe.
“I thank them and hope, wherever they are in the world, they are able to contact their families at home.
“Secondly, people who have lost a loved one over the last year. The first Christmas without a spouse, sibling, child, parent or friend is always difficult and I hope they find comfort in the company of loved ones.
“And thirdly, organisations like the Samaritans who will still be manning phones this Christmas to speak to people who need a comforting ear.
“Their Freephone number 116123 will be open throughout the festive season and we all thank them for their work.
“For many of us, Christmas is one of the few moments of the year when we get a chance to disengage from work and take a step back for a few days.
“After a year in which we’ve often seen more heat than light in our public debate, I hope the holiday season will provide us with a moment to remember what we have in common.
“I wish everybody a very happy Christmas.”