SNP's 'contempt for science and sheer hypocrisy' on fracking
The SNP has been attacked for its decision to ban fracking in Scotland.
As part of a Holyrood debate today, the nationalists’ “hypocrisy” and “contempt for science” was highlighted as they seek to extend the moratorium put in place two years ago.
Shadow finance secretary Murdo Fraser said the decision wasn’t based on science, with the Scottish Government’s own research saying the approach could be explored safely.
In addition, he pointed out that Scotland imports tens of thousands of barrels of shale every day from America to power homes and businesses north of the border, something the SNP government seems happy to continue.
The SNP has been criticised by unions and scientists for the move, while the party’s former deputy leader Jim Sillars said it should think again on the issue.
Today’s debate leaves the Scottish Conservatives as the only party to support exploring the potential of unconventional oil and gas.
Scottish Conservative shadow finance secretary Murdo Fraser said:
“It’s difficult to know which aspect of the SNP’s ludicrous ban on fracking is worse.
“Its abandonment of evidence-led policy making, contempt for science, or the sheer hypocrisy from a party that in the past has been happy to champion Scotland’s hydrocarbon industry.
“The Scottish Government’s own report on this was quite clear – fracking could be conducted safely in Scotland providing safeguards were put in place.
“It commissioned the research only to ignore it and treat the findings with contempt.
“Yet even though the nationalists seek to ban fracking, we will continue to see fracked gas from elsewhere imported to Scotland to heat our homes and power our industry.
“In effect, what the SNP is saying is that it’s happy to import fracked gas from anywhere in the world at great environmental cost and where the safeguards may be much less, but it doesn’t want it in our back yard.
“A ban is bad for Scotland, bad for jobs, bad for our economy and bad for the environment.”